Every Child is a delicat sapling .
Lets plant children with care, in the soil of Love & Trust,
The out come will be a blossoming HUMANITY with fragrance of GOODNESS & HAPPINESS
Hostel Facility
Narmada Velly International School Providing Hostel Facility For Students
That it will not come again, What makes LIFE Beautiful... So, celebrate Each & Every Moment be it Pain or Pleasure.
Wel Come To Narmada Valley International School
Inspired by the goddess of Vidhya Saraswati Maa the mission of Narmada Valley International School is to empower each of its student to become the leader of tomorrow through carefully nurtured strategy of growth and development of a child. At NVIS we believe it entails building moral character, stimulating intellect, imparting information and academic knowledge, developing all-round skills, acquiring strong and able body, ensuring physical fitness, encouraging enterprise, fortifying fighting spirit and tenacity and sensitizing compassion and spirituality. We believe in the philosophy that each individual is born with a uniqueness of his own. We try to make him aware of this intrinsic uniqueness and endeavour to instill a sense of self-confidence and self-belief in his own abilities so that he can implement his own ideas with conviction without fear of failure, to lead a successful life to his full potential. Education means bringing out idea of universal validity which is latent in the mind of every man.